In 1954,
CERN is established.
Known recently for the Large Hadron Collider (The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator.), it was started as an international research facility for high-energy physics. It also is the birthplace of the World Wide Web, which was developed as a system for sharing content between scientists.
In 1994,
HotJava Demonstrated at Sun Microsystems.
The Programmers has first demonstrated the HotJava prototype to executives of Sun Microsystems Inc. they shows how the browser making use of Java technology, HotJava attempted to transfer Sun's new programming platform for use on the World Wide Web. Java is based on the concept of being truly universal, allowing an application written in the language to be used on a computer with any type of operating system or on the web.
It was the first browser to support Java applets, and was Sun's demonstration platform for the then new technology.