Today in Computer History-Feb 11

  • 11Feb
  • 2013
  • 1
    Thomas Alva Edison
    [Image: lCq2bKL.png]
    Was an inventor and also businessman.
    The Motion picture camers
    Light Bulb
    One of the person to implement the Principles of Mass Producation & Large scale teamwork un invention.

    Mike Markkula
    [Image: 8iDDnaA.jpg]
    Armas Clifford Mike Markulla Jr is the full name.
    He is an Angel Investor and also Second CEO of Apple Computer Inc.

    Emil Leon Post
    [Image: dtITzlx.jpg]
    Known for his work in Formulation 1, PCP Problem, Completness proof of Principles propositional calculus.
    Those who are good in Theory of Computation will know this geart person.

    The RAND Corporation takes the Johnniac Open Shop System (JOSS) out of service
    [Image: 2srm5Cz.jpg]
    JOSS was only three years old at the time, but it had reached full capacity and needed to be replaced with a more powerful system that was capable of supporting more users.
    [Image: jRHNJwz.gif]
    nice post .informative.
    nesan, proud to be in V+ Team.