Prevent using registry editor in Windows 8

Registry Editor in Windows OS allows you to customize or tweak the OS. 
some times few people will use it & they make something fuzzy! so prevent users to access Registry editor am gonna share you this article.

Follow the steps:
1.Open RUN (Press Windows key+R)
2.Now type "gpedit.msc" without quotes and press Enter.
3.Navigate to below path
User Configuration => Administrative Templates => System
4.Search for Prevent access to registry editing tools and open it by double clicking it or by pressing Enter.
[Image: Zb5ZAyw.png]
5.Now check the Enable and press Ok.
[Image: 012JzPK.png]
That's it.
If anyone tries to open Registry editor it will pop by a message like
[Image: IbL4kWw.png]
[Image: jRHNJwz.gif]

    Prevent using registry editor in Windows 8