Social network Facebook has launched a new type of brand pages

  • 15Nov
  • 2012
  • 1
    Social network Facebook has launched a new type of brand pages, where visitors can see the full list of news flow from the author of the page, as well as properties of the news, but they can not add comments and updates from friends. These pages in the "read-only" for corporate users, pages, brands and different advertising campaigns.

    The owners of these pages can be ordered paid promotion posts and pages, so they can not fall in traffic. Moreover, such business pages allow users to identify themselves and the advertising of branded accessory page. also launched a new network settings, with the help of which users can view the news feed exclusively on public pages, the user is subscribed to, the publication Next Web. So far, the user can sort the updates in the news in chronological order or by popularity, as well as to hide the news from individual users or pages.

    In addition, Facebook allows to create and subscribe to the so-called list of interesting pages, when clicked, opens with the news feed only on the pages of the list. A similar function is available for the list "Close friends" - it allows you to filter updates from selected user's friends. New Product Pages Feed will enable a feed exclusively from the content of all public pages, the user is subscribed to, except for messages from his friends.
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