Quantitative Aptitude - Average Video Lectures

In this Video Lecture, Ms.Suganya presented about Quantitative Aptitude. One of most Important and Easy Topic in Quantitative Aptitude is Average. Problems solved on this session :

Problem 1 : The average of Four Consecutive Numbers is 27. Find the Largest of these Numbers.

Problem 2 : There are two sections A with 36 Students and B with 44 Students. Average weight of A is 40 Kg and B is 35 Kg. Find the Average weight of Whole class.

Problem 3 : The Average of 25 results is 18. The average of first of them is 14 and that of last twelve is 17. Find the Thirteenth result.

Problem 4 : Distance b/w two station is 778 km. Train covers A to B at 84 km per hour and returns back to A at uniform speed of 56 km per hour. Find the Average speed of train during the Whole Journey.

Video Lecture Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0eSEOeAE2M
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    Quantitative Aptitude - Average Video Lectures