Master of Business Administration (Regulation 2013) Semester IV Syllabus

[font=Times New Roman][Image: Anna_University,_Chennai_logo.png][/font]
[font=Times New Roman]Anna University,Chennai
Regulations 2009[/font]
Master of Business Administration
[font=Times New Roman]4th  Semester Syllabus


[font=Times New Roman]University : Anna University,Chennai[/font]
Regulation : 2013
Graduate: PG
Degree: MBA
Year : II
Semester :IV

Thread Type:Syllabus

[font=Times New Roman]Subjects: [/font]
BA7401 International Business Management
BA7402  Business Ethics, Corporate Social  Responsibility and Governance


BA7411  Creativity and Innovation
BA7412  Project Work


.pdf   MBA R 13 sem4.pdf (Size: 281.75 KB / Downloads: 1,831)
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    Master of Business Administration (Regulation 2013) Semester IV Syllabus