Anna University
Department of Information Technology
Fifth Semester
IT2301 Java Programming
Nov / Dec 2013 Important Questions
(Regulation 2008)
1. With examples in java explain the following
a. Static members
b. Abstract class and methods
c. Constructor
d. Methods and message passing
2. What are a class and an object in Java? Explain in detail about classes and objects in java with suitable example.
3. What is a Package? What are the benefits of using packages? Write down the steps in creating a package and using it in a java program with an example.
4. Explain about String classes, String constructor and different String methods using programs
5. Explain in detail about Object cloning with suitable examples. Also specify
the limitations of Object cloning.
6. Write a Java program which creates a Proxy class for binary search.
7. What is a component in Graphics programming in Java? Explain displaying graphics in a component with suitable programs to display all the graphics in a component.
8. Explain Swing and all its components with suitable Java program
9. What are the Layout managers available in Java. Brief each with suitable diagram
10. Explain in detail the exception handling in Java. Write a program that demonstrates exception handling. Also explain the throwing and catching exceptions with suitable examples.
11. What is multithreading? Write a java program that prints numbers from 1 to 10 line by line after every 5 seconds.
12. What is the need for thread synchronization? Explain its need with suitable example.
13. Explain Generic Methods, Generic code and Virtual Machine in Java with an example.
14. Discuss the meaning of Static modifier with suitable examples
15. Give a brief note on constructors in Java
16. What is class hierarchy? Write a java program to implement single inheritance
17. Explain about String classes, String constructor and different String methods with suitable programs (8)
18. What is reflection? How does it help to manipulate Java Code?
19. Give a brief note on interfaces
20. What is a component in Graphics programming in Java? Explain displaying graphics in a component with suitable programs to display all the graphics in a component (16)
21. Write a program using Swings to create a user interface that performs all basic arithmetic operations.(16)
22. What is a thread? How it is created? Write a Java code to create a multithreaded program that generates both Fibonacci and prime numbers
23. Briefly explain the concept of generics in Java with necessary programs