FOC important & expected Part B Questions - 2013 Edition

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These are the questions which are repeated so often in all University exams and you should know that C programs are asked in UNIT 4 and UNIT 5 respectively.

UNIT - 1
Explain in detail about

*Characteristics of Computer
*Generations of Computer
*Basic organization and operations of a computer
*Classification of Computers

UNIT - 2
*Steps involved in development of software
*Explain categories of software
*Explain the various internet terminologies
*Explain about various services provided by internet

UNIT - 3
Explain in detail about
Flowchart,Algorithm, Pseudo code,MS-WORD,MS-EXCEL,MS-POWERPOINT
*write algorithm,flowchart, pseudo code for following
1.biggest among 3 numbers
2.Quadratic equation
3.Sum of first natural numbers
4.Prime number

UNIT - 4
Explain in detail about
*Structure of C program
*Different data types in C
*Formatted and Unformatted I/O statements in C with examples
*Decision making and looping statements in C
*Operators supported by C

UNIT - 5
*What is function?Explain the following with examples
             #Call by Value and Call by Reference
*write notes on String handling functions
Explain in detail about
*Structure and Union
*Storage Classes
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