University: Annauniversity chennai
Department: Electronics and communication engineering
Subject code: EC2305
Subject name: Transmission lines and wave guides
description :
May June 2007 Question paper.
Fifth semester
Electronics and Communication engineering
EC2305-Transmission lines and Waveguides
Regulation 2008
PART-A (10*2=20)
1. What is frequency distortion?
2. Calculate the load reflection coefficient of an open and short circuited line.
3. Find the VSWR and reflection coefficient of a perfectly matched line
with no reflection from load?
4. Name few application of half wave line?
5. What is the cut off frequency of TEM wave?
6. Give the application that relate phase velocity, group velocity and free space velocity.
7. Why the TE₁₀ wave is called as dominant wave in rectangle waveguide?
8. How the TE₁₀ mode is launched or initiated in rectangular wave guide using a probe?
9. Define the quality factor of cavity resonator?
10.What is cavity resonator?
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