CS3491 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Question


Department: Information Technology
Subject Code: CS3491
Subject Name: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Study Material Description: Question Bank
Format Type: PDF
Edition / Version Details: MSAJCE 2024 Edition

As per the Regulations 2021 of Anna University, Chennai, the Department of Information Technology offers "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning" (CS3491) as part of the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) in non-autonomous affiliated colleges. This subject is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) concepts, algorithms, and applications.

Study Material Description: Question Bank:

The provided study material for "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning" (CS3491) consists of a Question Bank. This Question Bank contains a collection of questions covering various topics and concepts related to artificial intelligence and machine learning. It serves as a valuable resource for students to practice and assess their understanding of the subject matter.

Format Type: PDF:

The Question Bank for "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning" (CS3491) is available in PDF format. This digital format offers several advantages, including ease of access, portability, and compatibility across different devices and platforms. Students can conveniently access the Question Bank on their computers, laptops, tablets, or smartphones, enabling flexible and on-the-go studying.

Edition / Version Details: MSAJCE 2024 Edition:

The Question Bank for "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning" (CS3491) adheres to the MSAJCE 2024 Edition. This edition reflects the latest updates and revisions prescribed by MSAJCE (representing a specific institution or organization). By aligning with the 2024 Edition, the Question Bank ensures that students have access to relevant and up-to-date questions that are in line with the current syllabus and curriculum standards.


The Question Bank for "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning" (CS3491) in the MSAJCE 2024 Edition serves as a valuable resource for students pursuing Information Technology programs. It provides a wide range of questions to help students practice and assess their knowledge and skills in artificial intelligence and machine learning. By utilizing this Question Bank, students can enhance their preparation for examinations and develop a deeper understanding of AI and ML concepts and applications.

.pdf   CS3352-QB 11.pdf (Size: 1.77 MB / Downloads: 6)

    CS3491 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Question