Program Name: 2 D Rotation
Program Language:c
Program Requirements:C++ Or C Program Compilers
Program Description:
A two-dimensional rotation is applied to an object by re-positioning it along a circular path in the x-y plane. When we generate a rotation we get a rotation angle (θ) and the position about which the object is rotated (xr , yr) this is known as rotation point or pivot point. The transformation can also be described as a rotation about rotation axis that is perpendicular to x-y plane and passes through the pivot point. Positive values for the rotation angle define counter-clockwise rotations about the pivot point and the negative values rotate objects in the clockwise direction.To know more on what rotation is and its matrix representation see 2 D Transformations Rotation.
Source Code Name: 2d.c
Program Language:c
Program Requirements:C++ Or C Program Compilers
Program Description:
A two-dimensional rotation is applied to an object by re-positioning it along a circular path in the x-y plane. When we generate a rotation we get a rotation angle (θ) and the position about which the object is rotated (xr , yr) this is known as rotation point or pivot point. The transformation can also be described as a rotation about rotation axis that is perpendicular to x-y plane and passes through the pivot point. Positive values for the rotation angle define counter-clockwise rotations about the pivot point and the negative values rotate objects in the clockwise direction.To know more on what rotation is and its matrix representation see 2 D Transformations Rotation.
Source Code Name: 2d.c
void rotate( int figure[], int edges, double angle, int cx, int cy )
double x, y;
angle = -1 * (angle*3.14/180);
double cos_a = cos(angle);
double sin_a = sin(angle);
for(int i=0; i < edges; i++)
x = figure[2*i] - cx;
y = figure[2*i+1] - cy;
figure[2*i] = ceil( (x * cos_a) - (y * sin_a) + cx );
figure[2*i+1] = ceil( (x * sin_a)+(y * cos_a) + cy );
void main()
int figure[20], edges; // A Figure with Max 10 edges.
double angle;
int cx=0, cy=0;
int gd = DETECT, gm;
initgraph( &gd, &gm, "" );
int max_y = getmaxy();
printf( "Number of
edges: " );
scanf( "%d", &edges );
for(int i=0; i < edges; i++)
printf( "Enter edge
(x%d,y%d) : ", i , i );
scanf( "%d %d", &figure[2*i], &figure[2*i+1] );
figure[2*i] = figure[0];
figure[2*i+1] = figure[1];
edges += 1;
printf( "Enter angle
of rotation in degrees: ");
scanf( "%lf", &angle);
printf( "Enter the
center of rotation: \n");
printf( "cx: ");
scanf( "%d", &cx);
printf( "cy: ");
scanf( "%d", &cy);
cy = max_y - cy;
setlinestyle(SOLID_LINE, 0, 3);
drawpoly( edges, figure );
for(int i=0; i < edges; i++)
figure[2*i+1] = max_y - figure[2*i+1];
for(int i=0; i < edges; i++)
figure[2*i+1] = max_y - figure[2*i+1];
drawpoly( edges, figure );