Auto Log In in Windows 8

Tired of having to log into Windows passing through Start Screen?
Would you prefer that when you started the machine,you logged in automatically?
Here is the tweak to do it:
It can be done in two 
1. Windows Registry Editor file
2. By Manual

By Manual:

1.Open Windows registry
by pressing Window key+R and type regeit and press Enter
[Image: L2A9DLa.png]
2.Navigate to this path
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
3.Now it will looks like
[Image: avgmu1n.png]
4. Open the AutoAdminLogon which will be on right side and change the Value data as 1 and press OK.
[Image: VojlvTA.png]
5.Now right click on right side and create a new String value
[Image: eFGDphf.png]
6. Name it as DefaultPassword 
[Image: vX3XR08.png]
7.Now open the DefaultPassword and enter your password in the value data.
[Image: iejEatB.png]
8.Now Close the Registry.
That's it. . . . 

By Manual: Notepad
2.Copy & paste the following code
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
;created by WR1334
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
"DefaultUserName"="MicrosoftAccount\\TYPE YOUR ACCOUNT NAME"
3.Now type your account name and account password in respective place.
4.Save the Notepad as any name with .reg as extension.
5.Run it & See. . . 
[Image: jRHNJwz.gif]
Gud job bro... it saves some time...
Somesh - V+ Team Junior Moderator - Want for other subjects also? Arrow CLICK HERE

    Auto Log In in Windows 8