Jawaharlal Nehru Technical University , Kakinada
B.Tech Supplementary Examination , Jan/Feb 2015
II Year (Second Semester)
Mechanical Engineering
R22035 - Metallurgy and Material Science
(Regulation 2010)
Attachment :
METALLURGY AND MATERIAL SCIENCE(SET 4).pdf (Size: 163.75 KB / Downloads: 95)
"Good Decision comes from Experience"
"Experience comes from Bad Decision"
-Abdul Kalam
Jawaharlal Nehru Technlogical University , Anantapur
B.Tech Regular Examination , April/May 2013
Third Year
Second Semester
Department Of civil Engineering
9A01605 - Estimation Costing and Valuation
(Regulation 2009)
Attachment :
9A01605 Estimation, Costing & Valuation SET1.pdf (Size: 169.04 KB / Downloads: 149)
"Good Decision comes from Experience"
"Experience comes from Bad Decision"
-Abdul Kalam