Bannari amman institute of technology
(By and For all B.E / B.Tech students)
2nd Sept 2013
15th Futura is a National Level Students' Technical Symposium and Project Design Contest and it is one of the renowned techno-fest ever held in the region where the technology meets innovation to "Reach the Unreached".
Project Design Contest Rs 1L(1st prize),Rs 50k(2st prize),Rs 25k(3rd prize)
Total Prize worth Rs 15 Lakhs.
Cluster 1: Mechatronics | Mechanical | Aeronautical Civil
Clucter 2: EIE | ECE | EEE
Cluster 3: CSE | IT | Computer Applications
Cluster 4: BioTech | Textile | Fashion
Cluster 5: School of Management studies
Project Design Contest:
Rules :
Note : All Manuscripts that fail to adhere to the specified format given below will be DISQUALIFIED.
- Abstract should be within a page that MUST contain the following.
- Name of the College.
- Name of the Team (Max. 3 Members) with Year of Study & Department.
- Mail Id & Mobile number of the Team Leader.
- Images, Block diagrams, Circuit diagrams, 2D or 3D design model of the project SHOULD be included on a separate page.
- Font Type: Times New Roman.
- Font Size: 12(for Content), 14(for Headings).
- Line Spacing: 1.5.
- Attached file SHOULD be in .doc or .docx extension.
- The attached file name alse should be in the format "Name of the Department_Name of the project " EX: MECH_Hybrid Vechicle
- Subject of the mail SHOULD be of the FORMAT :
"Project_ Name of the Department_ Abstract". For Instance: Project_ MECH_ Abstract, Project_ IT_ Abstract.
- Mail your abstracts to : projectcontest@bitsathy.ac.in.
- Last date for the submission of Project abstract is Aug 7,2013.
- One way travel allowance will be provided for the other State participants against the proof of original tickets.[Bus & Train]
15th Futura Workshops:
AERO - Fabrication of Radio Controlled Tri-copter
Civil - Pre Engineered Building (PEB)
ECE - Touch Controlled Wireless Robotics
EEE - Industrial Electrical Drives
What does PLC & SCADA solve?
EIE - Embedded Software
CA - Big Data
BIOTECH - Protein-Protein and Protein-small Molecule Interactions
IT - Google Appshop
Department Specific Events:
Mechatronics Dept:
1. Line Plotter and Maze solver
2. MT - Paper Presentation
3. Quiz
Mechanical Dept:
1. Auto Quiz
2. CAD Modelling
3. Meteora
4. Mech - Paper Presentation
Aeronautical Dept:
1. Aero - Paper Presentation
2. Condors
3. Air Waffe
4. Patagio
5. Mr. Pilot
Civil Dept:
1. Civil - Paper Presentation
2. Code geekz
3. Mix Design contest
4. Confloat
6. Zenith
7. Davinci
EEE Dept:
1. EEE - Paper Presentation
2. Palapeli
3. Maquinaria
4. Listricaza
5. Abinitio
6. Robo Lasterketa
ECE Dept:
1. ECE Paper Presentation
2. Circuit Hunt
3. Tell me how
4. Robo War
E&I Dept:
1. EI - Paper Presentation
2. Instronics fields test
3. Win chasers
4. Team Xtreme
IT Dept:
1. IT Paper Presentation
2. Globe Trotter
3. Inquizitive
4. Tecla Do
5. The road to EI Dorado
6. Scriptathon
CSE Dept:
1. CSE Paper Presentation
2. Pix Tuzz
3. Exhibeo
4. Code Capto
MCA Dept:
1. CA Paper Presentation
2. Treasure Hunt
3. Debogage
4. Experts
Textile Technology:
1. TX Paper Presentation
2. MR.Mandy
3. Corsage
4. Tex Arena
5. WOW
6. Technical Treasure Hunt
1. BT Paper Presentation
2. Coscienza
3. Poursuivre
4. Rompicapo
Fashion Technology:
1. FT Paper Presentation
2. Modern Bag construction
3. Fashion Quiz
4. School Uniform designing
Dept of Management Studies:
1. My Dream Project
2. If the shoe fits
3. In search of excellence
4. Winning Helix
5. Beat the street
For further details, Visit our web site.
Event Web Site : http://www.bitfutura.in/
Event FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/15thFutura/
Event Twitter: https://twitter.com/15thfutura
Bannari Amman Institute of Technology
Alathukombai - Post
Sathyamangalam - 638 401
Erode District, Tamil Nadu, India