konstruct 2k13 on Sengundhar Engg College

konstruck2k13-Department of Civil Engg-Sengunthar Engg College-Tiruchengode

1.Name of The Event(s): konstruck2k13

2.Event Details: Technical symposium

Yes[font=Comic Sans MS] 
Paper Presentation

Yes Poster Presentation

Yes Multimedia Presentation

Yes Cadd contest
Yes Puzzlemania

Yes Best Architect

Yes Bob the builder

Yes Hide and seek

3. Event Date:
12.09.2013 [/font]

4.Important Dates: 02.09.2013 & 04.09.2013

5.Contact Details: 8870619007

for details, visit http://konstruck2k13.webs.com/
If you want to win the world, be ready to lose yourself!!

Rocky Welcomes you!!!! Sniper
+1 added!!
“Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise...”

    konstruct 2k13 on Sengundhar Engg College