Conferences is a type presentations. They last to a time span of about 10 to 30 minutes, where a paper took by a presenter is explained short and conscience.The work is in written form as academic papers and published as the conference proceedings in a Journal.
In addition to presentations, conferences also can have featured panel discussions, round tables on various issues and workshops.
Paper Presenters are usually asked to submit a short abstract of their presentation in a specific time frame mentioned by them, which will be reviewed by a panel of members before the presentation is accepted.
After the acceptance of abstract, Papers must be sent to them which will be again reviewed by a panel of members.The paper must follow the guidelines as specified by the Organization.
Need for Students:
For students doing their M.E, Conference or journal certificate is a must for project report. They Should attach a copy of certificate inside the report.
For B.E Students, its a added advantage for project. It means that the project is worth and.. if published in journal, your topic can also be the base paper (or) reference paper for forthcoming students.
If you set the goal to put your project in conference or journal, your project standard will be increased by the internal force which you get as you have paid money for the conference.
So all my Final year friends in V+, put your Project paper in conference.
Conferences is a type presentations. They last to a time span of about 10 to 30 minutes, where a paper took by a presenter is explained short and conscience.The work is in written form as academic papers and published as the conference proceedings in a Journal.
In addition to presentations, conferences also can have featured panel discussions, round tables on various issues and workshops.
Paper Presenters are usually asked to submit a short abstract of their presentation in a specific time frame mentioned by them, which will be reviewed by a panel of members before the presentation is accepted.
After the acceptance of abstract, Papers must be sent to them which will be again reviewed by a panel of members.The paper must follow the guidelines as specified by the Organization.
Need for Students:
For students doing their M.E, Conference or journal certificate is a must for project report. They Should attach a copy of certificate inside the report.
For B.E Students, its a added advantage for project. It means that the project is worth and.. if published in journal, your topic can also be the base paper (or) reference paper for forthcoming students.
If you set the goal to put your project in conference or journal, your project standard will be increased by the internal force which you get as you have paid money for the conference.
So all my Final year friends in V+, put your Project paper in conference.