Vidyarthiplus is a forum and a portal where we can share Ideas and Knowledge.
Our objective is to make students aware of happenings in other colleges and outer world them and also handy lookout place for all other jobs,placement and e-learning sites which people don't know about them.
Its you our Campus Ambassadors what makes us special.
You are our resources.Its through you, we reach different colleges and promote.
Sounds good?
Do you think you are suitable for this post?
then Why are you waiting for?
Apply Now
For more information about VCA is in the document which is attached below.
For any doubt feel free to contact us.
Vidyarthiplus Campus Ambassador 2013.pdf (Size: 479.9 KB / Downloads: 473)
Our objective is to make students aware of happenings in other colleges and outer world them and also handy lookout place for all other jobs,placement and e-learning sites which people don't know about them.
Quote: Its not about earning during college/school days.
Its not about writing articles or posting something.
Its about sharing information and ideas.
Its you our Campus Ambassadors what makes us special.
You are our resources.Its through you, we reach different colleges and promote.
Sounds good?
Do you think you are suitable for this post?
then Why are you waiting for?
Apply Now
For more information about VCA is in the document which is attached below.
For any doubt feel free to contact us.
Vidyarthiplus Campus Ambassador 2013.pdf (Size: 479.9 KB / Downloads: 473)