A computer is made up of electronic components.An electronic component can either be in ON or OFF state.ON state is represented by 1 and OFF state is represented by 0.This implies that a computer can understand only 0 and 1. Therfore, any instruction given to the computer must be a sequence of 0's and 1's 

A computer system uses a collection of binary digits 0 and 1 to represent data and instructions.This is called machine language.Just consider the following example.

    The machine code for the command  "add" may be "1010000101100".
However it is difficult to remember the instructions in machine language. Therefore, we use high-level languages to write programs.A high level language consists of set of instructions, which is represented using simple english forms.For this there are many languages such as C,C++, JAVA and so on.
    To print a messfae you may use "printf" statement in "C" and "cout"  statement in "C++" and console.writeline in "c#".
    cout<<"welcome to oops";
    console.writeline("U R IN A .NET PLATFORM");
 like that we can use and implement using high-level langages.

Remaining will be continued later
Fear is a reaction,but courage is a destination