Anna University
Common to all Departments
First Semester
PH2111 Engineering Physics I
January 2014 Important Questions
Regulation- 2008
Unit 1
1. Explain the Magnetostriction effect.
2. Explain piezo electric Oscillators.
3. Determine the velocity measurement of ultrasonic waves in liquids.
4. Explain the applications of ultrasonic waves. 5. Explain Non-destructive testing methods.
6. Explain ultrasonic imaging systems.
Unit 2
1.Explain the construction and working of Nd-YAG laser, Co2 laser, He-Ne laser.
2. Explain the construction and reconstruction of holographic image.
3. Discuss the applications of laser.
Unit 3
1. Derive expressions for acceptance angle and Numerical aperture of an optical fiber.
2. Explain step index fiber, Graded index fiber.
3. Explain the terms Single mode fiber, Multimode fiber. 4. Explain the Fiber optic communication system.
Unit 4
1.Derive the expression for Planck theory of black body radiation? 2.Explain Compton Effect
3.Derive expressions for schroedinger time independent and dependent wave equation.
4. Write about Transmission electron Microscope
Unit 5
1.Explain the Hcp structure.
2.Explain miller indices.
3 .Draw and Explain
A. Diamond Structure
B.Nacl structure C.Bravais lattice
4. Explain types of defects in crystals.