Notification - Clause 14.2 of R2017 of Anna University Affiliated Colleges

  • 4Oct
  • 2020
  • 0
    [Image: new_flash.gif] Notification - Clause 14.2 of R2017 of Anna University Affiliated Colleges [Image: new_flash.gif]

    Dated: 30.09.2020

    CLAUSE 14.2 of R2017 of AFFILIATED COLLEGES (UG and PG Programmes)

    As per the extract of the amended Clause 14.2 of R2017 for Affiliated Colleges
    • The students who are admitted in 2017-2018 and 2018 - 2019 are permitted to appear for arrears upto VI semesters and will be allowed to move to VI I semester only on completion of all the courses in the I semester.
    • In addition the following prerequisites shall be followed for completing the degree programme.
      i. To enter into Semester VII, the student should have no arrear in Semester I. Failing which the student shall redo the Semester I course/courses along with the regular students.ii. To enter into Semester VIII, the student should have no arrear in Semester II. Failing which the student shall redo the Semester II course/courses along with the regular students.
    • In case, if he/she has not successfully completed all the courses of semester III at the end of semester VIII, he/she shall redo the Semester Ill courses along with regular students. For the subsequent semesters of IV. V. VI, VII and VIII, the same procedure shall be followed, subject to the maximum permissible period for this programme.
    The following decision was taken after due deliberations

    B.E. / B. Tech./ 8. Arch. (Applicable to students admitted from 2018-19 onwards)
    • Two additional attempts shall be permitted to the candidates admitted in 2018-19 and 2019 - 20 as a special case due to the COVID'19. However the student should have successfully completed the courses of (n minus 6)th semester to register for courses in the nth semester.
    B.E. / B. Tech. (Applicable to students admitted from 2017-18 only)
    • The amended Clause 14.2 of R-2017 shall be completely exempted for the candidates admitted during the year 2017 - 18 and they are permitted to appear for the arrear examination in the subsequent semester upto the maximum period of study.
    B.Arch. (Applicable to students admitted from 2017-18 only)

    • Two additional attempts shall be permitted to the candidates admitted in 2017-18, as a special case due to the COVID'19. However the student should have successfully completed the courses of (n minus 8)th semester to register for courses in the nth semester.

    These decisions are taken as a ONE TIME MEASURE and with due approval from the competent authority.

    The Official Notification PDF can be found below.

    Attached Files
    .pdf   Notification - R-2017 (AI) - Clause 14.2.pdf (Size: 106.1 KB / Downloads: 83)