hi , friends this a guide on what to do when your mybb forum got hacked! you are curious on how to get your mybb forum up and running again then these are some simple steps you can follow
Get the Control of your forum back !
Things needed to do it
1. Cpanel
2. Time to spare
3. A Infection free computer
4. Web Access
Get your Computer Infection free
first of all get your operational computer Virus free so that any one cannot record your actions , to do so you need some tools
1. Spybot Scanner - To destroy the Spys in your computer - Spybot - Search And Destroy is the best freeware you can get for this
2. Malware Scanner - to Scan Malwares - Malwarebytes is also a Free Ware
3. Antivirus - Scanner for viruses - Avg - Free Antivirus
A All in one Antivirus Like Quickheal Total Sucurity
A All in one Antivirus Like Quickheal Total Sucurity
I Recommend Running This in Safe Mode to make it more effective
To go to Safe mode in Windows
1. Switch On Your Computer
2. Press F8 Key In your Keyboard Before the Windows boot Logo Appears
3. now A bunch of options Will Appear
4. now Select Safe mode With networking
5. now a bunch of Commands Like Lines will Appear , Dont Panic , this is what Happens Behind the Windows logo .
Now After you Scanned your Computer fully how to get your ACP Back to you.
Things Needed
1. CPanel Access
2. Web Access
3. FTP Software - FileZilla
Get your ACP Back
1. Login to your CPanel
2. Find PHP My Admin open it
3. Select Your Mybb Database
4. Take A Backup
5. Click on SQL Tab
6. now add the following code to your .htaccess file of your server to Avoid Visitors to your Website during this process.
PHP Code:
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from Your IP Address Here
you can know your IP Address By Visiting Here
7. now Run The Following Query to Ensure That your Administrators Group Has access to ACP
PHP Code:
UPDATE `mybb_usergroups` SET `cancp`= '1' WHERE `gid` = '4';
8. now to Ensure that your Account is in Administrators Group run the following Query
PHP Code:
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET usergroup = '4' WHERE uid = 'X';
Replace Your Table Prefix with mybb if you have different one
Replace X With your uid
9. now make yourself a Super admin
now Open your inc/config.php with Text editor
now find the line $config['super_admins'] = '1';
change the 1 to your uid
now to reset your pass if the hacker had changed your pass and email
run the following Query
PHP Code:
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `password` = '098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6', `salt` = '' WHERE `uid` = 'X';
Replace Your Table Prefix with mybb if you have different one
Replace X With your uid
Pass will be set to test
now you are done with rescue
in the next tutorial i will teach how to avoid from being hacked.