Magic number of Multiple with 142875

142875*2 = 285714
142875*3 = 428571
142875*4 = 571428
142875*5 = 714285
142875*6 = 857142

it will be clear to understand that if u multiply 142857 by 2,3,4,5,6 and so on u will get same order starting at a different place each time as if they were written round the edge of a circle

Source: mine own
[Image: An9XX.gif]
ya its called magic maths trick ; i know it from std 2 Big Grin
[Image: An9XX.gif]
yes its called maths magic

and ur roll no is 43
and come to school to get ur syllabus and calender
[Image: An9XX.gif]

    Magic number of Multiple with 142875