ME Aeronautical Engineering Semester I Syllabus

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Anna University,Chennai

Regulations 2009

M E Aeronautical Engineering

1st  Semester Syllabus

University : Anna University,Chennai
Regulation : 2009

Graduate: PG

Degree: M E
Department: [b]Aeronautical Engineering [/b]
Year : I
Semester :I
Thread Type:Syllabus
1 MA 9322 Applied Mathematics for Aeronautical Engineering
2 AE 9311 Aerodynamics 
3 AE 9312 Aircraft Structures 
4 AE 9313 Aerospace Propulsion 
5 AE 9314 Theory of Vibrations
6 E1 Elective I 


7 AE 9315 Structures Laboratory


1. AE 9001 Experimental Stress Analysis 
2. AE 9002 Numerical Heat Transfer 
3. AE 9003 Boundary Layer Theory 
4. AE 9004 Aircraft Design 
5. AE 9005 Industrial Aerodynamics 
6. AE 9006 Helicopter Aerodynamics 
7. AE 9007 Theory of Plates and Shells 
8. AE 9008 Structural Dynamics 
9. AE 9009 Aero elasticity 
10. AE 9010 High Temperature Problems in Structures 
11. AE 9011 Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics 
12. AE 9012 Theory of Elasticity 
13. AE 9013 Hypersonic Aerodynamics 
14. AE 9014 High Temperature Gas Dynamics 
15. AE 9015 Advanced Propulsion Systems 
16. AE 9016 Experimental Methods in Fluid Mechanics 
17. AE 9017 Wind Engineering 
18. AE 9018 Wind Tunnel Techniques 
19. AE 9019 R o c k e t r y a n d S p a c e M e c h a n i c s 
20. AE 9020 Composite Materials and Structures


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