Second Semester
Civil Engineering
MA6251 — MATHEMATICS – (Common to Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich), Aeronautical Engineering,
Agriculture Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Biomedical Engineering,
Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Instrumentation
Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geoinformatics Engineering, Industrial
Engineering, Industrial Engineering and management, Instrumentation and
Control Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Materials Science and
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical and Automation Engineering,
Mechatronics Engineering, Medical Electronics Engineering, Petrochemical
Engineering, Production Engineering, Robotics and Automation Engineering,
Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering, Chemical and Electrochemical Engineering,
Fashion Technology, Food Technology, Handloom and Textile technology,
Information Technology, Petrochemical Technology, Petroleum Engineering,
Pharmaceutical Technology, Plastic Technology, Polymer Technology, Textile Technology Fashion Technoly)
Agriculture Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Biomedical Engineering,
Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Instrumentation
Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geoinformatics Engineering, Industrial
Engineering, Industrial Engineering and management, Instrumentation and
Control Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Materials Science and
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical and Automation Engineering,
Mechatronics Engineering, Medical Electronics Engineering, Petrochemical
Engineering, Production Engineering, Robotics and Automation Engineering,
Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering, Chemical and Electrochemical Engineering,
Fashion Technology, Food Technology, Handloom and Textile technology,
Information Technology, Petrochemical Technology, Petroleum Engineering,
Pharmaceutical Technology, Plastic Technology, Polymer Technology, Textile Technology Fashion Technoly)
College Name : Anna University
Semester : 2nd
Subject Code : MA6251
Subject Name : Mathematics II
Semester : 2nd
Subject Code : MA6251
Subject Name : Mathematics II
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