Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications (LICA) 2012 Important Questions

Anna University
Common to All colleges in Tamil Nadu
Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications 2012 Important Questions

Note: These are only Important questions, These Question May or May Not be Asked for University Examination.

Department : EEE
Semester : IV
Year : II yr
Subject : Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications (LICA)

Unit 1

1. Explain the process of epitaxial growth in IC fabrication process with neat diagrams.
2. Explain the fundamental of monolithic IC technology using suitable circuit?
3. Explain the fabrication of MOSFET in an IC
4. With respect to the BJT based circuit given below, explain the various steps to implement the circuit into a monolithic IC.
5. Explain in detail about the processing steps involved in the fabrication of monolithic integrated circuits.

Unit II

1. What are the limitations of an ordinary OPAMP differentiator? Draw the circuit of a practical Differentiator.
2. Explain the AC and DC characteristics of OPAMP.
3. Explain the working of Differential Amplifier and derive the expression for CMRR.
4. Explain in detail about the frequency compensation applied to operational amplifiers.
5. Explain the types of feedback configurations with neat diagrams.

Unit III

1. Draw the functional block diagram of Stable multivibrator using IC555 timer and explain its operation
2. Explain the working of an instrumentation amplifier using OP-Amp with neat diagram along with various application.
3. Explain the following applications of OP-Amp.
i. V/I convertor and its applications
ii. S/H circuit
iii. Flash type A/D convertor
4. Explain in detail the working of weighted resister type DAC and dual slope type ADC.

Unit IV

1. Explain the operation of 566 voltage controlled oscillator and derive an expression for the output frequency. Along with circuit diagram
2. Draw the functional block diagram of basic PLL & explain each functional block in detail.
3. Draw the functional diagram of IC 555 Timer. Explain with a circuit diagram how it can be connected for mono-stable operation.
4. Explain the working of voltage controlled oscillators. Explain the operation of 566 voltage controlled oscillator and expression for the output frequency.

Unit V

1. Draw and explain the application of IC 723 as low voltage regulator and high voltage regulator.
2. What is a switching regulator? With a neat block diagram explain the internals of a µ7840.
3. Draw the functional block diagram of ICL 8038 function generator IC and explain its operation.
4. Write brief notes on (i) Opto-coupler. (ii) IC MA 7840.