Hi mates,
Hows going? Hope going well, Fit and Fine.
This is the starting of the course. In this first tutorial i am going to tell you what actually java(j2me) is?
Well, Java is a programming language and a platform. Java is high level programming language. It can be categorized in this way:
>> Simple , Object oriented, Multithreaded, Secure, Portable, etc
NOTE: j2me stands for Java 2 Micro Edition
* Overview of software development process.
First of all coding is done in plain text in .java format and with the help of javac compiler we can compile to .class files. The number of .class files makes j2me application which will be applicable to run in your java launcher tools like mobliles, emulator etc.
Well, i got this image which defines well the development process.
* Basic requirements for programming.
Development tools: Well, In the beginner's mind there is a question that What software is needed to make mobile softwares? Am i right? . There are many javac compiler but some of them provides good environment and make easy to learn. Netbeans IDE is one of them. You can Attachment Netbeans IDE from the site below:
After you clicked the link you will see a page with various Attachment option.
You can click on any circled buttons which has java ME included. It has mobility pack. And install it to your computer
You need java se development kit installed in your computer. If you dont have it Attachment from below link.
After you Attachment this kit install it and install netbeans. Now your environment is ready to make applications.
With the help of this pc softwares you can do coding, compile, run, debug, and many more.
I think this is enough for today. The files size you will be downloading are large. It will take time. So better to end up today's stuff.
NOTE: It's not hard to learn. If you devote your mind then it will be so easy. Just hard practise and being up-to-date with our articles is neccesary to be successfull.
Next time lesson:
Next time we will be creating our first application "Hello world" project.
And we will describe you how to code and line to line comments.
Hows going? Hope going well, Fit and Fine.
This is the starting of the course. In this first tutorial i am going to tell you what actually java(j2me) is?
Well, Java is a programming language and a platform. Java is high level programming language. It can be categorized in this way:
>> Simple , Object oriented, Multithreaded, Secure, Portable, etc
NOTE: j2me stands for Java 2 Micro Edition
* Overview of software development process.
First of all coding is done in plain text in .java format and with the help of javac compiler we can compile to .class files. The number of .class files makes j2me application which will be applicable to run in your java launcher tools like mobliles, emulator etc.
Well, i got this image which defines well the development process.
* Basic requirements for programming.
Development tools: Well, In the beginner's mind there is a question that What software is needed to make mobile softwares? Am i right? . There are many javac compiler but some of them provides good environment and make easy to learn. Netbeans IDE is one of them. You can Attachment Netbeans IDE from the site below:
After you clicked the link you will see a page with various Attachment option.
You can click on any circled buttons which has java ME included. It has mobility pack. And install it to your computer
You need java se development kit installed in your computer. If you dont have it Attachment from below link.
After you Attachment this kit install it and install netbeans. Now your environment is ready to make applications.
With the help of this pc softwares you can do coding, compile, run, debug, and many more.
I think this is enough for today. The files size you will be downloading are large. It will take time. So better to end up today's stuff.
NOTE: It's not hard to learn. If you devote your mind then it will be so easy. Just hard practise and being up-to-date with our articles is neccesary to be successfull.
Next time lesson:
Next time we will be creating our first application "Hello world" project.
And we will describe you how to code and line to line comments.