Kinect for Windows Platform code sample released by Windows

Windows have released 22 code samples to help developers to get starting on the Kinect for Windows platform.[Image: 3KrnjvF.png]
To promote the Kinect platform for its game controller, Microsoft releases 22 code samples and the code involves
[ul][li]face tracking.[/li][li]gestures and more [/li][/ul]
Languages like:
[ul][li]C#[/li][li]C++[/li][li]Visual Basic[/li][/ul]
To run the code you need
[ul][li]Visual Studio 2010 or 2012[/li][li].Net framework 4.0 or 4.5[/li][li]Kinect for Windows SDK[/li][/ul]
Optional Requirements:
[ul][li]Windows Presentation Foundation,[/li][li]DirectX[/li][li]XNA framework[/li][/ul]

Get the code samples HERE
[Image: jRHNJwz.gif]

    Kinect for Windows Platform code sample released by Windows