Indian population

State - population
1.Uttar pradesh -19,95,81,477.
2.Maharastra - 11,23,72,972.
3.Bihar -10,38,04,637.
4.West bengal -9,13,47,736.
5.Andhra pradesh -8,46,65,533.
6.Tamil nadu -7,21,38,958
7.Madhya pradesh -7,25,97,565.
8.Rajasthan -6,86,21,012.
9.Karnataka -6,11,30,704.
10.Gujarat -6,03,83,628.
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nesan, proud to be in V+ Team.
whoa!! Good 1!! Here is the gift Reputed
[Image: jRHNJwz.gif]
informative bro.,
“Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise...”

    Indian population