Simple Snake Game

Hello friends..This is the simple cool Snake Game..Enjoy..!

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        <script type="text/javascript">
            function cbsnake(){
                //Pixels to move at once
                this.jump = 8;
                //Size of snake. Make this one less than jump. Doesn't have to be,but adds good effect
                this.sos = 7;
                //Size of board
                //DANGER!!! this.sofb must be EVENLY dividable by this.jump DANGER!!!!
                this.sofb = 400;
                //Set things up
                this.daway = this.sofb - this.jump;
                this.correct = new Array();
                this.correct[0] = 0;
                while(this.correct[this.correct.length -1] != this.daway){
                    this.correct[this.correct.length] = this.correct[this.correct.length -1]+this.jump
       = 0;
                var gameboard = ' <div class="board" id="board"> <div id="i2"> The Simple game of Snake. Select a speed then use your arrow keys(&larr;)(&uarr;) (&rarr;) (&darr;) eat the apple(red block), but watch out for the walls and yourself. At any time you can pause the game by pressing the space bar.This game is created by Prabakar&trade;..Enjoy with Java..!</div> </div><div class="board" id="score"> <span id="cscore">0</span> <span id="buttons"> <button type="button" id="slow" onClick="snake.slow()">Slow</button> <button type="button" id="medium"  onClick="snake.medium()">Medium</button> <button type="button" id="fast"  onClick="">Fast</button> </span></div>';
                cbsnake.prototype.setup = function(setspeed){
                    var thisObj = this;
                    this.score = 0;
                    //Snake Direction
                    this.sdir = 'none';
                    this.sdirb = 'none';
                    this.sdirp = 'none';
                    //Snake arrays
                    this.ctop = new Array();
                    this.cleft = new Array();
                    //Top of snake class
                    this.ctop[0] = 200;
                    this.ctop[1] = -8;
                    //Left of Snake class
                    this.cleft[0] = 200;
                    this.cleft[1] = -8;
                    //current top of apple
                    this.atop = 0;
                    //current left of apple
                    this.aleft = 0;
                    //Milliseconds between move
                    this.speed = setspeed;
                    document.getElementById('board').innerHTML = '<div id="apple"></div><div id="snake0" class="snake"></div><div id="snake1" class="snake"></div>';
                    this.stopgame = false;
                    setTimeout(function(){ thisObj.msnake() },this.speed);
                    document.onkeydown = function(e){ return thisObj.snakedir(e); };
                cbsnake.prototype.slow = function(){
                cbsnake.prototype.medium = function(){
       = function(){
                cbsnake.prototype.rannum = function(num1,num2){
                    num1 = parseInt(num1);
                    num2 = parseInt(num2);
                    var generator = Math.random()*(Math.abs(num2-num1));
                    generator = Math.round(num1+generator);
                    return generator;
                cbsnake.prototype.moveapple = function(){
                    var usethis = false;
                        this.atop = this.correct[this.rannum(0,this.correct.length-1)];
                        this.aleft = this.correct[this.rannum(0,this.correct.length-1)];
                        if(this.numInArray(this.ctop,this.cleft,this.atop,this.aleft) == 0){
                            usethis = true;
                    document.getElementById('apple') = this.atop+"px";
                    document.getElementById('apple').style.left = this.aleft+"px";
                cbsnake.prototype.snakedir = function(e){  
                            e = window.event;
                            case 38:
                                if(this.sdir != 'down' && this.sdirp != 'down'){
                                    this.sdirb = 'up';
                                    this.sdirp = 'up';
                            case 40:
                                if(this.sdir != 'up' && this.sdirp != 'up'){
                                this.sdirb = 'down';
                                this.sdirp = 'down';
                            case 37:
                                if(this.sdir != 'right' && this.sdirp != 'right'){
                                this.sdirb = 'left';
                                this.sdirp = 'left';
                            case 39:
                                if(this.sdir != 'left' && this.sdirp != 'left'){
                                this.sdirb = 'right';
                                this.sdirp = 'right';
                            case 32:
                                if(this.sdir == 'none' && this.sdirp != 'none'){
                                    this.sdirb = this.sdirp;
                                    this.sdirp = 'none';
                                this.sdirp = this.sdir;
                                this.sdirb = 'none';
                        return this.stopgame;
                cbsnake.prototype.msnake = function(){
                    if(this.stopgame === false){
                        if(this.sdir != 'none'){
                        var thisObj = this;
                                case 'up':
                                    this.ctop[0] = this.ctop[0] - this.jump;
                                    document.getElementById('snake0') = this.ctop[0]+"px";
                                    if((this.ctop[0] == && this.sdirb == 'up') || this.ctop[0] <{
                                case 'down':
                                    this.ctop[0] = this.ctop[0] + this.jump;
                                    document.getElementById('snake0') = this.ctop[0]+"px";
                                    if((this.ctop[0] == this.daway && this.sdirb == 'down') || this.ctop[0] > this.daway){
                                case 'left':
                                    this.cleft[0] = this.cleft[0] - this.jump;
                                    document.getElementById('snake0').style.left = this.cleft[0]+"px";
                                    if((this.cleft[0] == && this.sdirb == 'left') || this.cleft[0] <{
                                case 'right':
                                    this.cleft[0] = this.cleft[0] + this.jump;
                                    document.getElementById('snake0').style.left = this.cleft[0]+"px";
                                    if((this.cleft[0] == this.daway && this.sdirb == 'right') || this.cleft[0] > this.daway){
                        if(this.sdir != 'none'){
                    this.sdir = this.sdirb
                    setTimeout(function(){ thisObj.msnake() },this.speed);
                cbsnake.prototype.gover = function(){
                        this.stopgame = true;
                        var inner = document.getElementById('board').innerHTML;
                        document.getElementById('board').innerHTML = inner+'<div id="notice">Game Over! Your Score was '+this.score+'</div><div id="i2">The Simple game of Snake. Select a speed then use your arrow keys (&larr;)(&uarr;) (&rarr;) (&darr;) and eat the apple(red block), but watch out for the walls and yourself. At any time you can pause the game by pressing the space bar.This game is created by Prabakar&trade;..Enjoy with Java..!</div>';
                        document.getElementById('apple').style.backgroundColor = '#D7BEBE';
                            document.getElementById('snake'+i).style.backgroundColor = '#BEBEBE';
                cbsnake.prototype.happle = function(){
                    if(this.atop == this.ctop[0] && this.aleft == this.cleft[0]){
                        document.getElementById('cscore').innerHTML = this.score;
                cbsnake.prototype.addsnake = function(){
                var newsnake = document.createElement('div');
                var newid = 'snake'+this.cleft.length;
                //this crap is for IE. I would rather add the class name.
       = 'absolute';
       = '-10px';
       = '-10px';
       = 'none';
       = 'black';
       = '7px';
       = '7px';
       = 'hidden';
                this.cleft[this.cleft.length] = -10;
                this.ctop[this.ctop.length] = -10;
                cbsnake.prototype.moveall = function(){
                    var i = this.ctop.length - 1;
                    while(i != 0){
                        document.getElementById('snake'+i) = document.getElementById('snake'+(i-1));
                        document.getElementById('snake'+i).style.left = document.getElementById('snake'+(i-1)).style.left;
                        document.getElementById('snake'+i).style.display = 'block';
                        this.ctop[i] = this.ctop[i-1];
                        this.cleft[i] = this.cleft[i-1];
                        i = i - 1;
                cbsnake.prototype.numInArray = function(array,array2,value,value2){
                    var n = 0;
                    for (var i=0; i < array.length; i++) {
                        if (array[i] === value && array2[i] === value2) {
                    return n;
                cbsnake.prototype.hitself = function(){
                    if(this.numInArray(this.ctop,this.cleft,this.ctop[0],this.cleft[0]) > 1){
                cbsnake.prototype.buttons = function(setto){
                    document.getElementById('slow').disabled = setto;
                    document.getElementById('medium').disabled = setto;
                    document.getElementById('fast').disabled = setto;
        <style type="text/css">
            width: 399px;
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            border: 1px solid gray;
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     <SPAN ID="animate"><B>Snake Game Created by &hearts;Prabakar&trade;&hearts;</B></SPAN>
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
animate('animate', '#ff8000');
<script type="text/javascript">
var snake = new cbsnake();



Attached Files
.html   Snake game.html (Size: 13.27 KB / Downloads: 158)
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[Image: 1VXVt.gif]
tHANK YOU......................Sign0098
Kumaravel, proud to be a member of (V+) - Online Students Community since Feb 2013.Treeswing
wow.its amazing.
PHILOMINE SELVARANI, proud to be a member of (V+) - Online Students Community since Feb 2013.

    Simple Snake Game