GE2025 Professional Ethics in Engineering Two Marks with Answers - All Units


Anna University , Chennai
Department of B.E-Electronics and Communication Engg
Seventh Semester
GE2025 Professional Ethics in Engineering 

(Regulation 2008) 

(Common to B.E-Automobile Engg , B.E-Civil Engineering , B.E-Computer Science and Engg , B.E-Electrical and Electronics Engg , B.E-Electronics and Instrumentation Engg , B.E-Instrumentation and Control Engg, B.E-Marine Engineering, B.E-Mechanical Engineering, B.E-Production Engineering, B.E-BioMedical Engg, B.Tech-Chemical Engineering , B.Tech-Information Tech)


1. Define Ethics?
• Study of right or wrong.
• Good and evil.
• Obligations & rights.
• Justice.
• Social & Political deals.

2. Define Engineering Ethics?
• Study of the moral issues and decisions confronting individuals and organizations engaged in engineering / profession.
• Study of related questions about the moral ideals, character, policies and relationships of people and corporations involved in technological activity.
• Moral standards / values and system of morals.

3. What is the need to study Ethics?
• To responsibly confront moral issues raised by technological activity.
• To recognize and resolve moral dilemma.
• To achieve moral autonomy.

4. Differentiate Moral and Ethics?
• Refers only to personal behavior.
• Refers to any aspect of human action.
• Social conventions about right or wrong conduct.
• Involves defining, analyzing, evaluating and resolving moral problems and developing moral criteria to guide human behavior.
• Critical reflection on what one does and why one does it.
• Refers only to professional behavior.
5. What is the method used to solve an Ethical problem?
• Recognizing a problem or its need.
• Gathering information and defining the problem to be solved or goal to be achieved.
• Generating alternative solutions or methods to achieve the goal.
• Evaluate benefits and costs of alternate solutions.
• Decision making & optimization.
• Implementing the best solution.

6. What are the Senses of Engineering Ethics?
• An activity and area of inquiry.
• Ethical problems, issues and controversies.
• Particular set of beliefs, attitudes and habits.
• Morally correct.

7. Differentiate Micro-ethics and Macro-ethics?
Micro-ethics : Deals about some typical and everyday problems which play an important role in the field of engineering and in the profession of an engineer.
Macro-ethics : Deals with all the societal problems which are unknown and suddenly burst out on a regional or national level.

8. What are the three types of Inquiry?
• Normative Inquiry – Based on values.
• Conceptual Inquiry – Based on meaning.
• Factual Inquiry – Based in facts.

9. What are the sorts of complexity and murkiness that may be involved in moral situations?
• Vagueness
• Conflicting reasons
• Disagreement

10. What are the steps in confronting Moral Dilemmas?
• Identify the relevant moral factors and reasons.
• Gather all available facts that are pertinent to the moral factors involved.
• Rank the moral considerations in order of importance as they apply to the situation.
• Consider alternative courses of actions as ways of resolving dilemma, tracing the full
implications of each.
• Get suggestions and alternative perspectives on the dilemma.
• By weighing all the relevant moral factors and reasons in light of the facts, produce a
reasoned judgment.

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    GE2025 Professional Ethics in Engineering Two Marks with Answers - All Units