Forward and Reverse bias V-I Characteristics of a P-N Junction diode - Lab Manual

Objective: - To observe and draw the Forward and Reverse bias V-I Characteristics of a P-N Junction diode. 
Equipment's Needed:- 
1. P-N Diode IN4007, Bread board
Scientech Trainer kit AB-01 
2. Regulated Power supply (0-30v)
3. Resistor 1KΩ 
4. Ammeters (0-200 mA, 0-500mA)
5. Voltmeter (0-20 V)
6. Connecting wires 

Attachment : 
.pdf   VI Characteristics of a PN.pdf (Size: 131.29 KB / Downloads: 541)
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    Forward and Reverse bias V-I Characteristics of a P-N Junction diode - Lab Manual