Ethical Hacking workshop Level-2, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology


Ethical Hacking workshop Level-2
Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology

Spot Registration Available.

Level-II Ethical Hacking : Sept 16,17 2013
500 with Lunch
Share with your friends and ask them to register at
Hacking Secrets Book will be provided for all participants.

Contents for Level-II:

Arrow Revision of Level-I contents for first 1Hr like cracking passwords in 5 secs
Arrow Facebook Zero Day Vulnerability with Exploit
Arrow Wifi Cracking
Arrow "Zero day Attacks"
Arrow Servers Hacking
Arrow CMS Sites Hacking
Arrow Advanced tools in Kali linux
Arrow Android Hacking from Scratch(Rooting)
Arrow 5 cracking techniques
Arrow Java Exploits
Arrow Beef
Arrow XSS
Arrow Hacking Online web users
Arrow Looooots more...

To Invite Sai Satish to your college, Call 0-7842494442 or 9246478419 or 9618222220

Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology(MGIT),
Chaitanya Bharati Post,
HYDERABAD - 500 075

Phone: 040 - 24193057

For more details:

Facebook link:
Thanks to V+ Bye1
V SIVA, proud to be a member of  (V+)