EC2305 Transmission lines and Waveguides Nov Dec 2009 Question Paper - Type Version

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University: Anna University Chennai
Department: Electronics and communication engineering
Subject code: EC2305
Subject name:  Transmission lines and wave guides
description :
Nov/Dec 2009 Question paper.


Fifth semester
Electronics and Communication engineering
EC2305-Transmission lines and Waveguides
Regulation 2008

PART-A (10*2=20)
1. Define phase distortion?
2. What is meant by inductance loading of telephone cables?
3. A low loss line has a characteristic impedance of 400ohms determine the SWR if the receiving end impedance is 650-j475Ω.
4. Give the application of an eight wave line.
5. Write the expression for wave impedance of TE and TM waves between parallel planes.
6. Give the expression for the cutoff wave length and propagation constant of TE waves between parallel planes.
7. A rectangular air filed copper wave guide with dimension of a=2.28cm, b=1.01cm and has a 9.2 GHz signal propagated in it. Determine the guide wavelength for TE₁₀ mode. 
8. A waveguide has an internal breath ‘a’ of 3cm and carries the dominant mode of a signal of unknown wavelength if the characteristic wave impedance is 500 ohms, calculate the signal wavelength.
9. Define a cavity resonator and also give its application.
10.Define a cavity resonator and also give its application

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.pdf   EC2305 TLW Nov-Dec 2009.pdf (Size: 246.29 KB / Downloads: 1,957)
The riskiest thing is to take no risks, Move fast and break things.
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