EC2257 Electronics Circuits II and Simulation Lab Manual - 2014 Edition



- affiliated to Anna University
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Fourth Semester

EC2257 Electronics Circuits II and Simulation Lab

Lab Manual Booklet - 2014 Edition

(Regulation 2008) 


This laboratory manual is prepared by the Department of Electronics and communication engineering for Electronics Circuits II and Simulation Lab (EC 2257). This lab manual can be used as instructional book for students, staff and instructors to assist in performing and understanding the experiments. In the first part of the manual, experiments as per syllabus are described and in the second part of the manual, experiments that are beyond the syllabus but expected for university laboratory examination are displayed. This manual will be available in electronic form from website,  for the betterment of students. 

We would like to express our profound gratitude and deep regards to the support offered by the Chairman Shri. A.Srinivasan. We also take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude to our Principal Dr.B.Karthikeyan,M.E, Ph.D, for his valuable information and guidance, which helped us  in completing this task through various stages. We extend our hearty thanks to our head of the department Prof.B. Revathi @ Ponmozhi, M.E, (Ph.D), for her constant encouragement and constructive comments.  
Finally the valuable comments from fellow faculty and assistance provided by the department are highly acknowledged.

 List of Experiments
1 Design and Analysis of Current Series Feedback Amplifier 
2 Design and Analysis of Voltage Shunt Feedback Amplifier
3 Design and Analysis of RC phase shift Oscillator 
4 Design and Analysis of Wein Bridge Oscillator
5 Design and Analysis of Hartley Oscillator
6 Design and Analysis of Colpitts Oscillator
7 Design and Analysis of Class-C Tuned Amplifier  
8 Design and Analysis of Collector coupled Astable Multivibrator 
9 Design and Analysis of Monostable Multivibrator 
10 Design and Analysis of Bistable Multivibrator 
11 Design and Analysis of Wave Shaping Circuits. 
12 Simulation of Differential Amplifier. 
13 Simulation of Astable Multivibrator 
14 Simulation of Monostable Multivibrator 
15 Simulation of Bistable Multivibrator 
16 Simulation of Active Filters. 
17 Simulation of Digital to Analog Converter 
18 Simulation of Analog Multiplier. 
19 Simulation of CMOS NOT/NAND/NOR gates. 

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.pdf   EC2257 EC II Lab - 2014.pdf (Size: 3.71 MB / Downloads: 3,662)
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