EC 1401-VLSI DESIGN November/December 2009. question paper

Anna university
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
subject code : EC 1401
subject name : VLSI DESIGN
Year : 4th
sem : 7th
(Common to B.E.(Part-Time) Sixth Semester Regulation 2005)
(Regulation 2004)

B.E/B.Tech Degree Examination,November/December 2009.

Part A-(10*2=20 marks)

1.What are the different MOS layers?
2.What are the two types of layout design rules?
3.Define rise time and fall time.
4.What is a pull down device?
5.What are the difference between task and function?
6.What is the difference between === and == ?
7.What is CBIC ?
8.Draw an assert high switch condition if input = 0 and input =1.
9.What do you mean by DFT?
10.Draw the boundary scan input logic diagram.

Part B - (5*16=80 marks)

11.a) Discuss the steps involved in IC fabrication process.(16)
b) Describe n-well process in detail.(16)

12.a)i)Explain the DC characteristics of CMOS inverter with neat sketch.(8)
ii)Explain channel length modulation and body effect.(8)
b)i)Explain the different regions of operation in a MOS transistor.(10)
ii)Write a note on MOS models.(6)

13.a)Explain in detail any five operators used in HDL .(16)
b)i)Write the verilog code for 4 bit ripple carry full adder.(10)
ii)Give the structural description for priority encoder using verilog.(6)

14.a)Explain in detail the sequence of steps to design an ASIC.(16)
b)Describe in detail the chip with programmable logic structures.(16)

15.a)Explain in detail Scan Based Test Techniques.(16)
b)Discuss the three main design strategies for testability.(16)
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