Current Affairs 9th April 2015

Current Affairs
9th April 2015

Snapdeal acquired mobile recharge service FreeCharge 

Spiders belonging to Thomisidae family named after Telangana state 

India and USA signed Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) on transportation 

Union Ministry of Home Affairs suspended Greenpeace India Society (GIS) registration for 180 days 

Liu Xiang, former Olympic 110m hurdles champion, retired 

SEBI raised the limit for currency derivatives trades to 15 million US dollar 

Jnanapith awardee Tamil writer Jayakanthan died 

Visit Kerala 2015 campaign launched to promote Kerala tourism 

Union Ministry of Home Affairs revised norms for State Disaster Relief Fund 

PM announced relief measures for distressed farmers 

To get the detailed explanation about these topics Attachment the attachment which is given below.
These current affairs will be useful for all the exams.
So candidates should read this.

.pdf   9th April CA.pdf (Size: 195.58 KB / Downloads: 138)  

    Current Affairs 9th April 2015