Current Affairs 10th April 2015

Current Affairs
10th April 2015

State legislature of Oklahoma passed a bill that allow use of nitrogen gas for executions 

Union Government rejected Odisha government proposal to grant mining license to Posco 

India successfully test-fired Dhanush ballistic missile 

India elected to four United Nations agencies 

Thane named as National Earth Hour Capital 2015 by WWF 

Social Progress Index 2015 released by Social Progress Imperative 

Seoul won WWF’s Earth Hour City Challenge to become the Global Earth Hour Capital 2015 

Scientists detected rapid accumulation of anesthetic gases in atmosphere causing global warming 

EPFO suspended 1000 rupees minimum monthly pension scheme 

Former Air Chief Marshal of IAF Hrushikesh Moolgavkar died 

Book titled Suleiman Charitra written by Kalyana Malla translated from Sanskrit to English 

Former Australia Cricket Captain Richie Benaud died 

To get the detailed explanation about these topics Attachment the attachment which is given below.
These current affairs will be useful for all the exams.
So candidates should read this.

.pdf   10th April CA.pdf (Size: 191.85 KB / Downloads: 223)

    Current Affairs 10th April 2015