Department of Computer Science Engineering
Department: B.E CSE
Year: Ist Year
Semester: IInd Sem
Regulations: 2008
Preferred local author's and their descriptions:
1. Basic Civil & Mechanical Engineering (GE2152)
- K.V.Natarajan (Dhanalakshmi publishers)
2. Engineering Chemistry II (CY2161)
- A.Ravikrishnan (Sri Krishna Publishers)
3. Engineering Physics II (PH2161)
- P.Mani (Dhanam Publications)
- G.Senthil Kumar (VRB publishers)
4. Electric circuits & Electron Devices (EC2151)
- A.P.Godse, U.A.Bakshi - Technical publications
5. Technical English (HS2161)
- English for Engineers and Technologists - Orient BlackSwan Pvt. Ltd.
6. mathematics II (MA2161)
- Singaravelu (or) Balaji -> Your wish