CS2353 Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) 2012 Important Questions

Anna University
Object Oriented Analysis and Design 2012 Important Questions

Subject Code : CS2353
Subject Name :Object Oriented Analysis and Design

1. To learn basic OO analysis and design skills through an elaborate case study
2. To use the UML design diagrams
3. To apply the appropriate design patterns

Unit 1

1.Explain in detail about the different phase of unified process.
2.Explain in detail about Unfiied Process in Object Oriented Analysis and Design? Explain the phases with neat diagrams.
3.Explain in detail about activity diagrams of UML with a neat diagram.
4.Explain in Detail about object oriented systems development life cycle.

Unit II

1.Explain association, aggregation and composition relationships in detail.
2.What is the purpose of a use case model? Identify the actors, scenarios and use cases for library management systems (May ask different System)
3.Explain the relationships/that are possible among the classes in the UML representation with example.
4.Explain in detail about the Conceptual class diagram, Activity diagram.

Unit III

1.Explain in detail UML Class diagram? With example Class diagram for any system
2.Explain basic communication diagram notation in detail.
3.Explain in detail about by Interaction diagrams? With neat examples.
4.Describe the strategies used to identify conceptual classes. Describe the steps to create domain model used for representing conceptual classes.

Unit IV

1.What is design pattern of GRASP? What are the sections of a design pattern? Explain the types in detail.
2.Write Short Notes on adapter,singleton,factory and observer partterns.
3.What is design pattern> Explain the GOF design pattern.
4.What is visibility? Explain any two types of visibility in detail.

Unit V

1.Explain in detail about implementation model.
2.Discuss in detail about UML deployment and component diagrams for a banking systems.
3.Explain the state chart diagram in detail.
4.How to create and write contracts? When are contracts explain them in detail.

    CS2353 Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) 2012 Important Questions