CS2060 High Speed Networks Lecture Notes for Unit 3 - 2014 Edition

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TCP Flow Control 

• Uses a form of sliding window 
• Differs from mechanism used in LLC, HDLC, X.25, and others: 
 Decouples acknowledgement of received data units from granting 
permission to send more 
• TCP’s flow control is known as a credit allocation scheme: 
 Each transmitted octet is considered to have a sequence number 
TCP Header Fields for Flow Control
• Sequence number (SN) of first octet in data segment
• Acknowledgement number (AN) 
• Window (W) 

University: Annauniversity
subject code:CS2060
subject:High Speed Networks
content:CS2060-High Speed Networks-lecture notes for unit 3-edition 2014

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mohanavalli, proud to be a member of Vidyarthiplus.com (V+) - Online Students Community since Nov 2012.
Anna University Of Technology 
Seventh Semester 
Electronics and Communication Engineering 
CS2060 High Speed Networks 
Lecture Notes

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