CE6402 Strength of Materials Lecture Notes for MECH Third Semester Regulation 2013

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Anna University, Chennai

B.E/B.Tech Degree Examination

Third Semester

Department of Mechanical Engineering

CE6402 Strength of Materials
Lecture Notes

Regulation 2013

University : Anna University, Chennai
Year : Second Year
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Semester : 03 (III)
Subject Code : CE6402
Subject Name : Strength of Materials
Regulation : 2013
Attachment Type : PDF
Description : CE6402 Strength of Materials - Lecture Notes

Mechanics of Materials
Mechanics of materials deals with the elastic behavior of materials and the stability of members. Mechanics of materials concepts are used to determine the stress and deformation of axially loaded members, connections, torsional members, thin-walled pressure vessels, beams, eccentrically loaded members, and columns.

Simple Stresses & Strains
Stress is the internal resistance offered by the body per unit area. Stress is represented as force per unit area.
Typical units of stress are N/m2, ksi and MPa. There are two primary types of stresses: normal stress and shear stress. Normal stress, , is calculated when the force is normal to the surface area; where as the shear stress, (tau) is calculated when the force is parallel to the surface area

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    CE6402 Strength of Materials Lecture Notes for MECH Third Semester Regulation 2013