BE Marine Engineering Regulation 2013 -Semester VIII Syllabus

[font=Times New Roman][Image: Anna_University,_Chennai_logo.png][/font]
[font=Times New Roman]Anna University,Chennai[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]Regulation 2013[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]BE Marine Engineering[/font]
[font=Times New Roman]Semester VIII Syllabus[/font]

[font=Times New Roman]Details:[/font]

[font=Times New Roman]University : Anna University[/font]

[font=Times New Roman]Thread Type:Syllabus[/font]

[font=Times New Roman]Department: BE Marine Engineering[/font]

[font=Times New Roman]Semester:VIII[/font]

[font=Times New Roman]Attachment Format::pdf[/font]

[font=Times New Roman]Regulation:2013[/font]


1.GE6351 Environmental Science and Engineering  

2. MV6801 Ship Operational Management and IMO Requirements 

3. MV6802 Marine Control Engineering and Automation 

4. MV6803 Safety Precautions and Watch Keeping 

5. Elective II 


6. MV6811 Project Work, Technical Paper and Viva Voce 

7. MV6812 Comprehension 


1. MV6004 Special Duty Vessels and Type of Operation 

2. MV6005 Ship Recycling 

3. MV6006 Marine Corrosion and Prevention


.pdf   marine R13 sem8.pdf (Size: 500.94 KB / Downloads: 595)


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    BE Marine Engineering Regulation 2013 -Semester VIII Syllabus