BA9266 Industrial Relations and Labour Welfare Two Marks With Answers - Suji Edition

Anna University
Department Of Management Studies
3rd Semester
BA9266 Industrial Relations and Labour Welfare
Two Marks Question and Answer
Regulation R2009

UNIT - 1 
1. Industrial Relation

 Complex of interrelations among workers, managers and government. 
2. Collective Bargaining
 Negotiation, consultation and exchange of information. 
 Mutually acceptable to all parties
3. Participative Management 
 Workers participation in decision making and other top management activities.
4. Employer’s Organization 
 Formal groups of employers set-up to strengthen their position.
5. Psychological Approach to Industrial relation 
 View on the perception and attitude of the focal participants.
6. Gandhian Approach to Industrial relation 
 Based on non-violent, communism, trusteeship.
 Laid stress on the importance of Job enrichment. 
7. Indicators of Poor Industrial Relations
 Absenteeism 

 Employee Turnover
 Lockouts
 Grievances 

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    BA9266 Industrial Relations and Labour Welfare Two Marks With Answers - Suji Edition