Anna University
Department Of Management Studies
3rd Semester
BA9266 Industrial Relations and Labour Welfare
Two Marks Question and Answer
Regulation R2009
UNIT - 1
1. Industrial Relation
Complex of interrelations among workers, managers and government.
2. Collective Bargaining
Negotiation, consultation and exchange of information.
Mutually acceptable to all parties
3. Participative Management
Workers participation in decision making and other top management activities.
4. Employer’s Organization
Formal groups of employers set-up to strengthen their position.
5. Psychological Approach to Industrial relation
View on the perception and attitude of the focal participants.
6. Gandhian Approach to Industrial relation
Based on non-violent, communism, trusteeship.
Laid stress on the importance of Job enrichment.
7. Indicators of Poor Industrial Relations
Employee Turnover
Complex of interrelations among workers, managers and government.
2. Collective Bargaining
Negotiation, consultation and exchange of information.
Mutually acceptable to all parties
3. Participative Management
Workers participation in decision making and other top management activities.
4. Employer’s Organization
Formal groups of employers set-up to strengthen their position.
5. Psychological Approach to Industrial relation
View on the perception and attitude of the focal participants.
6. Gandhian Approach to Industrial relation
Based on non-violent, communism, trusteeship.
Laid stress on the importance of Job enrichment.
7. Indicators of Poor Industrial Relations
Employee Turnover
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