Answer key is based on.....

Yeah friends i got a doubt from third sem result. Friends, i and my few friends follow the text books prescribed under the syllabus, while others follow the local authors, so the answer key is based on the text books prescribed by the anna univ or the book which was used by everyone.                     Because guys i suffered a lot by doing a particular subject very well but i got a low grade while the others attain a very good grade.         Inform me whether you know the correct thing, because i make use of this semester.
"We learn from our failure, not from our success"
Whatever books you follow, the answer key by Anna university contains only key-points  The evaluaters only see for the key points in your answer. The difference between anna university suggested books and local author's books is, Anna univ's suggested books will be more concept oriented and foreign language will be used. you may find difficult to know its meaning. but if you are able to understand the concept and language and can write your own answers with the key-points, you get full marks.

If you lag in the above qualities, just follow the local authors books for studying and refer AU's suggested books. It will help you a lot (saving money and saving time).
Somesh - V+ Team Junior Moderator - Want for other subjects also? Arrow CLICK HERE
I feel very convenient by following the prescribed authors, but i cant score well as they getting. Always my hardwork goes in vain
"We learn from our failure, not from our success"