Anna University Introduced a New Practice in the Skills For the Preferred Lesson
In Anna University, from the academic year, optional courses on basic training, environmental and human rights subjects will be introduced.
Recently University Education Committee meeting was held at the head Rajaraman,vice chancellor. In this case, the above-mentioned course and various course was approved by the head.In university those who are completed BE - B.Tech. feel uncomfortable due to the lack of experience in institutional, professional, athletic, optional subjects are added to the base.In order to overcome this problem the above mentioned training courses are added.
BE/B.Tech four year of graduating students, in terms of value, the value of 184 (Credit) system was obtained.By adding the Optional basic training course the credit will be increased. Candidates in the four years can choose number of optional subjects to study.Each Optional subjects will have 15 hours worth of lessons. Even though optional subject marks appears in the mark sheet it be will not be considered for the passing percentage.
At present this system was implemented in Guindy Engineering College, MIT, Alagappa College of Engineering and School of Architecture.Based on the feedback this system will be implemented in other colleges and affiliated colleges.