Add your desired application to Right Context Menu

  • 1March
  • 2013
  • 3
    some times I feel lazy to open file and then click on Open!so I taught it will be cool if I had that application in Right Context menu so I did.
    Now I will tell How to do it!
    We can do it by two methods
    [ul][li]By Windows Registry Editor[/li][li]By Windows Registry file[/li][/ul]

    By Windows registry Editor:
    1.Open Windows registry
    by pressing Window key+R and type regeit and press Enter
    [Image: L2A9DLa.png]
    2.Now Navigate to
    3.Right click on Shell and click on New->Key->and name it as your application name
    [Image: AhZjqeU.png]
    Note: Here I used GTalk for example.
    4.Now click on Key which you created in last step.
    5.Now right click on it and select New->key and name it as command
    [Image: J1xFGLY.png]
    6.Now we need to know the path of the application so for that go to the location of application.
    Shift+Right click on it and click on Copy as path
    [Image: srN6jlo.png]
    7.Get back to registry and select the command which you created in step 5.
    [Image: dv87mhC.png]
    8.Now on right side double click on (Default) to open it.
    [Image: xNY3xpv.png]
    9.In the Value data paste the copied path
    [Image: 1yUs7yX.png]
    Click on OK
    10.Close the Registry!
    now Right click and check it.
    [Image: SXi68D3.png]

    By Windows Registry file:
    1.Open Notepad
    2.Copy the below code
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    ;Written by WR1334 & thanks to V+
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\background\shell\YOUR APPLICATION NAME]

    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\background\shell\YOUR APPLICATION NAME\command]
    3.Fill the following in above code.
    YOUR APPLICATION NAME -->give the name of which application your gonna add
    PASTE THE PATH OF THE APPLICATION-->Copy the path of the exe file of your application
    4.Now save it as any name with .reg as extension.
    5.Run the registry file.
    That's it.  (^_^)
    [Image: jRHNJwz.gif]
    Waiting for ur post only... Gud one.. like bfr u told about how to add the shutdown,restart all in right click option Reading.....

    Nicethread  Reputed
    #Praise the creator not the creations#
    Nice Thread.. Reputed... Many 3rd party softwares also add the application in Right Click context menu..
    Somesh - V+ Team Junior Moderator - Want for other subjects also? Arrow CLICK HERE