Academic Performance of non-autonomous Affiliated Colleges of Anna University, Chennai for TNEA Admissions
Anna University,Chennai
TNEA Admissions
Anna University, Chennai released the pass percentage of its Affiliated Institutions for the semester exams conducted on Nov/Dec and April-May months. Many students attending counselling are attracted by the college names and after joining, regret for poor quality of education system followed in those colleges. So, in order to make the pass percentage of each college visible to all, Anna University,Chennai published the past semester academic performance of its affiliated colleges. So students can select the colleges with highest pass percentage and can study in that college to get quality education. The Academic performance of the colleges is available below :
Pass Percentage for Nov/Dec 2011 : CLICK HERE
Pass Percentage for April/May 2012 : CLICK HERE
Pass Percentage for Nov/Dec 2012 :
PASS_PERCENTAGE_ND2012.pdf (Size: 289.64 KB / Downloads: 1,116)
PASS_PERCENTAGE_ND2012.pdf (Size: 289.64 KB / Downloads: 1,116)
Pass Percentage for April/May 2013:
PASS_PERCENTAGE_AM2013.pdf (Size: 289.61 KB / Downloads: 1,140)
PASS_PERCENTAGE_AM2013.pdf (Size: 289.61 KB / Downloads: 1,140)
Pass Percentage for Nov/Dec 2013 :
PASS_PERCENTAGE_ND2013.pdf (Size: 295.67 KB / Downloads: 1,821)
PASS_PERCENTAGE_ND2013.pdf (Size: 295.67 KB / Downloads: 1,821)
Pass Percentage for April/May 2014 : CLICK HERE
Pass Percentage for Nov/Dec 2014 : CLICK HERE
The college students can also see where their colleges rank in the academic performance.