+2 Syllabus Blue Print For Accounts, Commerce, Economics


Heres The Blue Print and other weightage details For +2 Accounts, Commerce and Economics Students..


[ul][li]Accounts : 
.pdf   Accounts.pdf (Size: 27.41 KB / Downloads: 5,107) [/li][/ul]
[ul][li]Commerce : 
.pdf   Commerce.pdf (Size: 12.3 KB / Downloads: 5,593) [/li][/ul]
[ul][li]Economics : 
.pdf   Economics.pdf (Size: 13.79 KB / Downloads: 4,889) [/li][/ul]
Angel1  Just go with life as it goes.. Dont do anything silly and you'll be Happy
Already available..will be thrashed soon..

    +2 Syllabus Blue Print For Accounts, Commerce, Economics