080280085 Renewable Energy Sources Nov Dec 2013 Question Paper

Question Paper Code : 41255 
B.E./ B.Tech Degree Examination , Nov / Dec 2013
Eighth Semester
B.E Electrical and Electronics Engineering
080280085 Renewable Energy Sources
(Regulation 2008) 

PART A  (10 x 2 20 marks) 

1.Differentiate enact from non-renewable energy with examples. 
2.What mean? List out the compounds fall under this category.
3.Write the major reasons for- GaAs for use in and high-efficiency solar cells, 
4.Write short notes on the effect of irradiation: and temperature on PV cell characteristics. 
5.Define terms to the wind sped 
(a) Mode Speed 
(b) Mean Speen
6.Compare horizontal wind turbine with vertical wind turbine; 
7.Define: Cogeneration Plant Efficiency. What are the two categories of co-generation.
8.What an aerobic digestion mean in biogas generation? Write the three phases of anaerobic digestion. 
9.State -the basic of Tidal energy production and major of tidal power plant. 
10.List out various wave-energy conversion devices. 

Full Name :Arumuagm.P
College Name :SNS College Of Technology
Department :EEE
Semester :08
Subject Code :080280085
Subject Name :Renewable Energy Sources
Study Material Description :QP

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    080280085 Renewable Energy Sources Nov Dec 2013 Question Paper